NRL star Lachlan Burr exchanged vows with his beloved Madeline Reed in a stunningly intimate ceremony at the picturesque Redleaf, Wollombi. In a celebration of love that captured the essence of romance and elegance, Surrounded by the serene beauty of nature and embraced by their closest family and friends, the couple embarked on a journey of lifelong commitment in a setting that perfectly mirrored their love story.

Lachlan, known for his prowess on the rugby league field, stepped into a different arena of life as he took on the role of groom, radiating joy and anticipation as he married Madeline, the epitome of grace and beauty.

Set against the backdrop of Redleaf's enchanting landscape, the ceremony unfolded with heartfelt vows and tender moments that spoke volumes of the couple's deep affection for each other. From heartfelt speeches to joyous toasts, the atmosphere brimmed with love and celebration, creating memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.

This intimate Redleaf wedding was not just a celebration of two souls coming together in love, but also a testament to the power of love to transcend boundaries and unite hearts. In the timeless beauty of Redleaf, amidst the embrace of nature's splendor, Lachlan and Madeline embarked on a journey of love and partnership, bound together by a bond that will endure the test of time.



Nestled amidst lush, rolling hills and embraced by the serene whispers of nature, Redleaf wedding venue stands as an enchanting haven for couples seeking to celebrate their love in a picturesque setting. With its sprawling grounds adorned by vibrant floral gardens and towering trees, Redleaf exudes an air of timeless elegance and romance. The majestic main hall, with its vaulted ceilings and grand chandeliers, offers a captivating backdrop for exchanging vows, while the surrounding landscape provides countless opportunities for stunning outdoor ceremonies. Meticulously manicured lawns invite guests to mingle and revel in the celebration, while secluded pathways beckon couples to steal a moment of quiet reflection. From intimate gatherings to lavish affairs, Redleaf wedding venue promises to transform dreams into unforgettable memories, weaving together the magic of love and the splendor of nature in every detail.


Venue - Redleaf, Wollombi

Hunter Valley Celebrant - Ashley Ogle

Videographer - Life By Luke

Hair & Makeup Team - Chic Artistry

Madeline Dressed By - Corston Couture & Dior

Lachlan Dressed By - Tom Ford & Hugo Boss

Styling & Florals - Jade McIntosh

Live Entertainment - Stellar Entertainment

Italian Piaggio - Hello Lucy Lou